Sophie Brandt's PMC
Sophie Brandt's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - SB0536
PMC ID - SB0536
Why I Ride ...
When my Papa Tom passed away from throat cancer I told my mom she would have to keep riding in the PMC.
This summer because I cannot, again, go to summer camp as planned, I will be joining my first official Pan-Mass Challenge. My goal is to ride 50 miles and help raise $5,000, 100% of which will benefit the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the Perry S. Levy Fund for Gastrointestinal Cancer Research.
Why I Ride ...
When my Papa Tom passed away from throat cancer I told my mom she would have to keep riding in the PMC.
This summer because I cannot, again, go to summer camp as planned, I will be joining my first official Pan-Mass Challenge. My goal is to ride 50 miles and help raise $5,000, 100% of which will benefit the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the Perry S. Levy Fund for Gastrointestinal Cancer Research.
My History
2023 |
$50.00 |
PMC Fundraiser |
2022 |
$50.00 |
PMC Fundraiser |
2021 |
$2,256.00 |
Wellesley to Wellesley Teens (50 mile Sunday) |
2020 |
$1,205.00 |
PMC Rider |