By definition “cancer” is the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells but for any family dealing with cancer the disease means more. It means learning about treatments, side-effects and dealing with the emotional rollercoaster. My mother, Sue O’Neill is currently fighting Stage 4 lung cancer and has received excellent care from Dana Farber over the past two plus years. Throughout her battle, the thing that has inspired me the most is her positive and upbeat attitude. Not once has she said, “Why is this happening to me?” but has instead focused on “What can I do to fight this and win?”
Why am I riding? I RIDE because I can’t fight this for my mother. It has not been easy on my mother but throughout it all she has kept her great sense of humor. It was the way she handled her battle that has inspired me to ride the PMC. I couldn’t take the pain away, couldn’t help her with her exhaustion and couldn’t prevent her hair from falling out but one thing I can do is ride my bike.
I RIDE to help raise money so Dana Farber can continue providing excellent care. The excellent care my mother received was made possible by the money raised by past riders used for the research that developed the treatments my mother has received. It is my turn to help.
I RIDE to show my mother that I would do anything for her. Driving her to appointments and sitting with her while she is feeling weak or losing her hair has been hard for all of us, but it hasn’t been enough. Riding is something I can do to honor her.
I RIDE because I love her and Dana Farber has given my children three extra years of family reunions, family holiday parties and bad jokes from mom that they may not have had without Dana Farber.