The 44th PanMass Challenge (PMC) is just around the corner. This year, the PMC has set an ambitious goal of raising 75 million dollars, and surpassing an amazing total of one billion dollars raised for the Dana Farber Institute to fund cancer research and treatment. For my 12th PMC, I am excited to be riding on Team Brainstorms. 100% of the funds I raise will go directly to The Declan Vail BrainStorms for a Cure Fund at The Dana Farber Cancer Institute, targeting research and treatment for pediatric brain tumors.
Our friends, the Vail family, have been dealing with this disease ever since their son Declan was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of three. In the past six years Declan has gone through 18 months of chemotherapy. He has had eight surgeries, more than 15 MRIs, and too many seizures to count. He and his family have endured hundreds of Doctor’s appointments, emergency room visits, and inpatient hospital stays. This is a life-long condition for Declan. His tumor is large and unable to be completely removed. There is currently no medication that specifically targets his type of tumor. As a result of his tumor and the life-saving surgeries and treatments he has needed, Declan requires additional services in school to help him thrive. He and his family manage this crazy schedule with endless optimism and good humor, buoyed by Declan’s grit, determination, and mischievous grin.
Team Brainstorms has set a goal to raise one hundred thousand dollars in five years. The Declan Vail BrainStorms for a Cure Fund will support a Dana Farber research project that targets the mutation which caused Declan's brain tumor. Only four percent of the National Cancer Institute's budget goes to childhood cancer, so every dollar you donate will help fight Declan's disease and promote treatments for other kids like him. The knowledge gained by every research project helps advance the fight against cancer in general. Recent research findings suggest that Declan's specific mutation behaves much like Melanoma. This discovery indicates that his tumor is far less rare than previously believed, hopefully paving the way for increased federal funding leading to cures for a wide range of cancers.
Your generous contributions each year in support of my ride make these advances happen. You can all be very proud of the tremendous impact you are having on the lives of children and their families facing this terrible disease.
I am so very grateful for your past support of my efforts and look forward to welcoming you along for this year's PMC.
Please join me by donating to my PMC ride using one of the following links:
Donate $25
Donate $50
Donate $100
Donate $250
Click here to donate any amount