To my friends, family, and neighbors:
With August 2nd, rapidly approaching – I am excited to announce that I will be participating in my Tenth Pan Mass Challenge (PMC). This year, I will be riding 192 miles from Sturbridge to Provinetown in 2 days.
The PMC is more than just an organization or a bike ride, but an event that inspires and touches millions of people who are all connected through the horrible of cancer. Funding cancer research and treatment is more critical than ever. I recognize that the economic upheaval has impacted everyone differently and if you can give, I and the PMC community would greatly appreciate any donation. Whether or not you can give this year, please show your support with words of encouragement or gestures of support when you see a PMC rider on the road this weekend.
For this year’s ride I will be dedicating to Chris Conant who lost his battle with cancer. I will always be thinking and dedicate my ride to Frederick Weston, Frank Marino, Kevin Driscoll and Tom Harrison. These four men lost their battle to cancer and their strength and courage is what helps me push myself towards continuing to ride during this “new normal” world. I am also riding for James Chapman who passed away on Sunday (7/26/20) and Reed who was only 14year old and lost his battle with cancer in April 2020.
If you know anyone who is battling, survived or lost their life to cancer please send me their first name and cancer type. I will add a ribbon with their name to my back as I make this ride reimaged ride.
Here are the names that I will carry with me:
Ellie David Dad Mindy Sophie Susi Mike Helen Kendra Omi Joanna Theresa Shelia Kim GP Tim Beverly David Robin Elaine Tom Fred Anndee Joseph Gary Luann Meg Karen Marjorie Arlene Chris Evey Mom Frank Kathleen Grampy Dad Ellen Ryan Bud Eileen Peg Bebe Lany Lisa Paula Nancy Martha Claire Donald Kevin William Claire Richard Courtney Martha Reed James Kim Matt Chris Marie John Marcel Harry Mason Bob Sara Dawn Rick Leo Courtney Judy Davonte Don Will Donny
This year’s ride will bring a new set of challenges but, I am ready to conquer and thrive during my tenth ride.
Much love,