Andrew Janower's PMC
Andrew Janower's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - AJ0022
PMC ID - AJ0022
Team Samantha Rocks!
I'm a proud supporter of the PMC because it is leading a charge to beat cancer. In fact, last year 100% of rider-raised revenue went directly to support the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's tireless commitment to finding a cure.
All of the funds I raise at the PMC will be directed to pediatric brain tumor research, in honor of my daughter Samantha, who is a 12 year brain tumor survivor thanks to the Dana Farber and donors like you.
Go Team Samantha!
Team Samantha Rocks!
I'm a proud supporter of the PMC because it is leading a charge to beat cancer. In fact, last year 100% of rider-raised revenue went directly to support the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's tireless commitment to finding a cure.
All of the funds I raise at the PMC will be directed to pediatric brain tumor research, in honor of my daughter Samantha, who is a 12 year brain tumor survivor thanks to the Dana Farber and donors like you.
Go Team Samantha!
My Supporters
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.