I registered for my first PMC in January of 2011 as a way to honor my father, Jerry Blum, who had been battling Multiple Myeloma for the previous 15 months. Throughout my dad’s prolonged stay in the hospital that spring, we’d talk about the PMC; he was always touched by friends who had sent donations and moved by the number of people who wanted to help.
My father passed away early that August, just three days before the PMC. Driving up to Sturbridge for the ride, I had no idea what to expect or how I’d manage to get through it, riding now in my father’s memory rather than in his honor. What I found was beyond anything I could have imagined: thousands of people – riders, volunteers, supporters – all of whom believed, many who knew firsthand, that something could be done to fight cancer. That’s why they were riding or making sandwiches or standing on the shoulder of the highway, cheering us on in the pre-dawn light. Cancer, the cause that brought us all together, was devastating, but the spirit of the event was joyous and inspiring.
Throughout the weekend I was carried along by the energy and optimism of the ride. While I was overwhelmed by the profundity of the loss I felt, I was also amazed at everything I'd experienced. More than anything else, I was intensely aware of how fortunate I was to have found the PMC.
Nine years later, the PMC reamins an incredibly important part of my life and a perfect way honor the memory of my father. I know that I'll be thinking about him during this summer’s virtual PMC, and I’ll also be thinking of everyone whose encouragement and generous support continue to advance the PMC's ongoing quest to eradicate cancer.
Thank you so much, this year and always -